Our City: Wascana Park Totem Pole

Original Totem Pole, David N. Evans, 1981.

Walking around Wascana, you’ll probably come across a brightly-coloured 16-foot tall Totem Pole. Located in Lakeshore Park, the Totem Pole has been displayed in Regina for over 50 years. 

The original Totem Pole, now restored, was designed and carved in 1971 by the late Lloyd Wadhams Sr of the Nimpkish Indian Band/’Namgis First Nation in BC as a gift to Saskatchewan, honouring the centenary of union between BC and the Dominion of Canada in 1871. It has since needed restoration which was done by Wadhams’ son, Lloyd Wadhams Jr, in 2016. The original sculpture suffered damages caused by aging, exposure to the elements, people etching into it, and was rather rotted by the time Wadhams began work on it. Fortunately, it was successfully and beautifully restored after 5 straight weeks of work, bringing the pole back to a wonderful and colourful sculpture, now with new wings and antennae, that represents Indigenous Canadian history and culture. The Totem Pole is one of twelve in Canada, each one a gift from BC.

Saskatchewan’s Totem Pole was carved from Western Red Cedar, standing 16 feet tall, 3.5 feet in diameter, and weighing 3,500 pounds. The design is based around the Kwakiutl Nation and prominently features the Thunderbird – a supernatural mythical creature from various Indigenous cultures across Canada, but primarily the west coast. 

The Thunderbird holds major significance to the Kwakiutl Nation and other nations on the west coast. In mythology, the Thunderbird influences the skies and waters the land, thunder being caused by the flap of its wings and lighting by the blink of its eyes or from its beak, depending on the interpretation. It has a connection to the cedar tree as it is believed that the Thunderbird helped Indigenous ancestors build by placing cedar beams for their homes, which is why the Totem Pole was carved and restored using only cedar. In Kwakiutl culture, it is a symbol of family solidarity, power, strength, and nobility.

The Totem Pole is a powerful artistic rendition speaking to Indigenous history in Saskatchewan and across Canada and serves as a beautiful part of Wascana.

Restored Totem Pole, 2016.


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