Sweet Success: An Inside Look at Dessart Candy Shop's Nostalgic Charm
Business and Background
How did you get started in the candy business?
I kinda leap into it. My father-in-law owned the business, and it was an ice cream window for a few years. He kind of inherited the equipment, I think he paid the cost of the equipment at the time, anyway. He actually asked my friend if she wanted to run it, and then they had the idea to bring in high-end candy to make it a year-round business, and she ended up having to back to work, she was a teacher, so then I took over. That’s how that happened. I knew when I took over that retro candy was starting to become a big thing, and the old nostalgic candy was super fun for people. I knew I wanted to bring that in, as well as the Dutch licorice because I knew there were tons of different kinds, and that was really cool.
So when it was just the ice cream shop, it was only open in the summer? When did it fully open?
What inspired you to open a candy shop?
The candy thing just kind of happened, it wasn’t like I was “I’m going to open a business that is candy,” there was already this idea to have candy, it was just high-end candy, which isn’t widely appealing, and is really only good for holidays. It just happened, I’m really fortunate.
What sets your candy shop apart from others in the area?
I think the neighbourhood for sure is number one. Dessert would not be Dessart without Cathedral, in my opinion, and the building too.
Have you noticed any trends in candy preferences over the years?
Definitely, Retro candy was a big thing when I started, and it has changed, Like novelty candy, the U.S. candy- which was our specialty for a few years. Now all the trends are on TikTok, so I adjust myself to that, which is actually super fun!
What are the best-selling Halloween candies in your store?
The candy corn. There’s definitely the love-hate relationship with it. We’ve sold out twice of it.
Do you like candy corn?
I don’t mind it, it’s a little sweet, but i’ll definitely have a couple pieces.
Community Engagement
How do you connect with the local community through your candy shop?
I think because its a walk neighhbourhood, that is a huge part of connecting with the neighbourhood. I guess, having a deck and having regulars over the years. So many people have been coming since the beginning so the interactions with the store.
Are there any special traditions or events your shop has established with the community over the years?
We do the light up the village every year, which is the first Thursday of every December, so we are open until midnight. That’s been going on for years.
Interviewer: I went to that for the first time a few years ago, and all of the stores were absolutely packed.
Yeah, people just know it happens and people come and socialize. It’s a socializing event. I’m pretty sure my kids were babies when that started, so it’s been at least 15 years, if not 16. Paper Umbrella started it.
How has the community influenced the success of your business?
Have you noticed certain candies being popular in your area specifically? Do you cater to local tastes?
During Covid, there was a huge push for local candies, and just local in general. At that time I had whatever local candy I could, particularly Filigree. I can’t remember what else I had, but I had a local box. That isn’t as prevalent as it is now. Now he’s just right around the corner!
Challenges and Future
What are some of the biggest challenges you face as a small business owner, especially in a niche like candy?
I always say I’m really fortunate because I can be flexible with my time, but at the same time, literally the only holiday I’ve had in 22 years is during Covid I was closed for a week. I go away, but I;m always tied to the store. I’m here 5 days a week. The personal life balance, over the years and as you get older you learn how to balance that more but I think just the responsibility of owning a shop is really huge. You have to be responsible for your staff, your customer, your finances. Nobody could ever understand the financial stress that comes along with owning your own business, that’s pretty huge too.
How do you stay competitive in an age where big box stores and online retailers are selling candy?
Yeah, that is challenging. Whenever I see something in a store, and I have it, I drop the product because I can’t compete with that. Literally, my cost is more than what they’re selling it for most of the time, which is really annoying. I think part of the charm of Dessart is that it is an experience to come into the store, it’s not the same as buying candy off a Safeway shelf. You get the experience, it's the whole visual experience.
Interviewer: It’s the smell and colours! It’s very Willy Wonka-eque.
Is there anything you want Regina to know about you?
I think a lot of people still don’t know I’m here which is crazy. It’s so rewarding owning a business like this and being a part of the neighbourhood and peoples memories too.