Lost History in Ghost Signs

Part of the Warehouse District's distinctive charm is the history that is held within the buildings, as well as on the facades. Unfortunately many ghost signs in that area are no longer legible and hold only the faint remnants of discoloured bricks where they once were. The conservation and preservation of these signs are only protected on the buildings which are under heritage building status. These amazing signs show the history of Regina and the businesses that helped first establish it as a city. In 2003 there was a project that was proposed to save and create new signs, but unfortunately the funding was withdrawn and the project did not go forward. Those signs do attract filming in the city with preserved historic areas, and part of the aim in the 2003 conservation project was to attract filming programs to Regina. There are two big  issues now and then for preservation. The first being funding for the work, and second, that the original paint used in the advertisements were lead based. Lead based paints meant that the advertisements would last for decades, but also become hazardous if disturbed. Overly, the faded ghost signs represent a time in Regina where our city was booming, but that success and the bustle of the city can come and go with time, and room for new business and building use has to be welcomed. 



The History of Regina’s Street Names


Poole Construction Ghost Sign